FreeLing  4.0
freeling::affixes Member List
This is the complete list of members for freeling::affixes, including all inherited members.
accenfreeling::affixes [private]
affixfreeling::affixes [private]
affix_alwaysfreeling::affixes [private]
affixes(const std::wstring &, const std::wstring &, const dictionary &)freeling::affixes
ApplyRule(const std::wstring &, const std::list< analysis > &, const std::wstring &, const sufrule &, word &) const freeling::affixes [private]
CheckRetokenizable(const sufrule &, const std::wstring &, const std::wstring &, const std::wstring &, std::list< word > &, int) const freeling::affixes [private]
dicfreeling::affixes [private]
ExistingLengthfreeling::affixes [private]
GenerateRoots(int, const sufrule &, const std::wstring &) const freeling::affixes [private]
Longestfreeling::affixes [private]
look_for_affixes(word &) const freeling::affixes
look_for_affixes_in_list(int, const std::multimap< std::wstring, sufrule > &, word &) const freeling::affixes [private]
look_for_combined_affixes(const std::multimap< std::wstring, sufrule > &, const std::multimap< std::wstring, sufrule > &, word &) const freeling::affixes [private]
SearchRootsList(std::set< std::wstring > &, const std::wstring &, const sufrule &, word &) const freeling::affixes [private]