FreeLing  4.0
freeling::hypernymy Member List
This is the complete list of members for freeling::hypernymy, including all inherited members.
alphafreeling::hypernymy [private, static]
compatible_tagfreeling::relation [protected]
compute_word(const freeling::word &w, const freeling::sentence &s, const freeling::document &doc, int n_paragraph, int n_sentence, int position, std::list< word_pos > &words, std::list< related_words > &relations, std::unordered_map< std::wstring, std::pair< int, word_pos * > > &unique_words) const freeling::hypernymy [virtual]
count_relations(int n, const std::list< related_words > &relations) const freeling::hypernymy [private]
depthfreeling::hypernymy [private, static]
get_homogeneity_index(const std::list< word_pos > &words, const std::list< related_words > &relations, const std::unordered_map< std::wstring, std::pair< int, word_pos * > > &unique_words) const freeling::hypernymy [virtual]
hypernymy(int k, double alpha, const std::wstring &semfile, std::wstring expr)freeling::hypernymy
hypernymyAux(std::wstring s1, std::wstring s2, int k) const freeling::hypernymy [private]
is_compatible(const freeling::word &w) const freeling::relation
max_distancefreeling::relation [static]
order_words_by_weight(const std::unordered_map< std::wstring, std::pair< int, word_pos * > > &unique_words) const freeling::hypernymy [virtual]
relation(const std::wstring s, const std::wstring t)freeling::relation
semdbfreeling::hypernymy [private, static]