EuroWordNet: Building a multilingual wordnet with semantic relations between words
Duration: 3 years

Funding: European Union through Language Engineering sector of the Telematics Applications Programme (LE-2 4003)
Summary: This project aims to develop a generic multilingual database with WordNets for several European languages -English, Dutch, Italian and Spanish- with 30,000 senses each one. Those WordNets will be linked through the English WordNet, so each English synonym will be associated with its equivalent in the other languages.
Partners in this project are: University of Amsterdam, University of Sheffield, Instituto di Linguistica Computazionale of CNR Lernout & Hauspie and the NL research groups from UPC, UB and UNED.

Wordnet homepage at

Now you can try our Web Interface to Multilingual  (English, Spanish, Catalan and Basque) WordNet.

EuroWordNet homepage at

Now you can try our Web Interface to Multilingual (English, Spanish, Catalan and Basque) EuroWordNet.

Now avaliable the final results of EuroWordNet.

Now the complete mapping between WordNet 1.5 and WordNet 1.6.

Now the complete mapping between WordNet 1.6 and WordNet 1.7.