Third Year Project Documentation
WP0 Project Management
- D0.1 Consortium agreement
- D0.3 Periodic Management Report
- D0.2 Periodic Progress Report
- D0.4 Final Report (available final version PDF)
WP1 User Requirements
- D1.1 User Requirements (available final version PDF)
WP2 Methodology and Design
- D2.3 Basic Design of the architecture and
Methodologies (third round)
WP3 Linguistic Processors and Infrastructure
- WP3.6 Recognition and Normalization of Time Expressions: ITC-irst at TERN 2004 (available draft version PDF)
- WP3.7 Domain-Specific Sense Distributions and Predominant Sense
Acquisition (to be confirmed) The MEANING Italian Corpus (available draft version PDF)
- WP3.8 Revising the Wordnet Domains Hierarchy: semantics, coverage and balancing.
- WP3.9 Statistical Machine Translation of WordNet glosses (available draft version PDF)
- D3.3 Second Release of the LPs (available final version PDF)
WP4 (Knowledge) Integration
- WP4.7 The MEANING Top Ontology (available draft version DOC)
- WP4.8 MCR Software
- D4.3 PORT2 (available final version PDF)
WP5 Acquisition
- WP5.12 Experiment 5.C: Acquisition Acquisition of Domain Specific Lexicons (available draft version PDF)
- WP5.14 Experiment 5.E: Sense Examples (3rd round) (available Draft version PDF)
- WP5.15 Experiment 5.F: Lexical Knowledge from MRDs
- WP5.16 Experiment 5.G: Selectional Preferences (3rd round) (available Draft version PDF also WP6.10 Experiment 6.G c)
- WP5.17 Experiment 5.H: Clustering WordNet Word Senses (2nd round)(available Draft version PDF)
- WP5.18 Experiment 5.K: Ranking Senses Automatically (3nd round) (available Draft version PDF) also Experiment 6.G b
- D5.3 ACQ2 (available draft version PS PDF)
- WP6.2 Experiment 6.A: All-words WSD systems for English (3nd round)(available draft version PDF)
- WP6.7 Experiment 6.F b): Feature selection (3rd round)
- WP6.10 Experiment 6.G a): Unsupervised WSD with the Domain driven disambiguation System (available draft version PDF)
- WP6.10 Experiment 6.G b): WSD using Predominant Sense (also WP5.18 experiment K) (available draft version PDF)
- WP6.10 Experiment 6.G c): WSD using Selectional Preferences (also WP 5.16 Experiment 5.G) (available draft version PDF)
- WP6.12 Experiment 6.H a) The effect of bias on an automatically built word sense corpus (3rd round) (available draft version PDF)
- WP6.12 Experiment 6.H b) Using Sense Signatures
Automatically Acquired from a Second Language (3rd round) (available draft version PDF)
- WP6.16 Experiment 6.I: Effect of sense clusters PDF)
- WP6.13 Experiment 6.J: Semantic class classifiers (available draft version PS PDF)
- WP6.14 Experiment 6.L: Disambiguating WN Glosses (available draft version PS PDF)
- WP6.17 Experiment 6.M: Semantic Parsing (available draft version PDF)
- WP6.18 Experiment 6.N: Combination of kernels (available draft version PDF)
- D6.3 WSD2 (available draft version PDF)
WP7 Evaluation and Assessment
- D7.3 Evaluation and assessment of MEANING2 (available final version PDF)
WP8 User Validation
- D.8.2 Validation of MEANING2 (available final version Word PDF)
- D.8.3 Validation of MEANING3 (available final version PDF)
- D.8.4 Demonstration of MEANING (available draft version PDF)
WP9 Exploitation and Dissemination
- D9.4Technological Implementation Plan (available final version PDF)
- WP9.4 Third year published papers (available final version PDF)