FreeLing  4.0
Public Attributes
freeling::analyzer::analyzer_invoke_options Class Reference

Class analyzer::invoke_options contains the options that define the behaviour of each module in the analyze on the next analysis. More...

List of all members.

Public Attributes

AnalysisLevel InputLevel
 Level of analysis in input and output.
AnalysisLevel OutputLevel
bool MACO_UserMap
 activate/deactivate morphological analyzer modules
bool MACO_AffixAnalysis
bool MACO_MultiwordsDetection
bool MACO_NumbersDetection
bool MACO_PunctuationDetection
bool MACO_DatesDetection
bool MACO_QuantitiesDetection
bool MACO_DictionarySearch
bool MACO_ProbabilityAssignment
bool MACO_CompoundAnalysis
bool MACO_NERecognition
bool MACO_RetokContractions
bool PHON_Phonetics
 activate/deactivate phonetics and NEC
bool NEC_NEClassification
WSDAlgorithm SENSE_WSD_which
 Select which tagger, parser, or sense annotator to use.
TaggerAlgorithm TAGGER_which
DependencyParser DEP_which

Detailed Description

Class analyzer::invoke_options contains the options that define the behaviour of each module in the analyze on the next analysis.

Options in this set can be altered after construction (e.g. to activate/deactivate certain modules)

Member Data Documentation

Level of analysis in input and output.

Referenced by freeling::analyzer::set_current_invoke_options().

activate/deactivate morphological analyzer modules

Referenced by freeling::analyzer::set_current_invoke_options().

activate/deactivate phonetics and NEC

Referenced by freeling::analyzer::set_current_invoke_options().

Select which tagger, parser, or sense annotator to use.

Referenced by freeling::analyzer::set_current_invoke_options().

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