Hello good day hopefully someone can help me please, I am a beginner in java and I am trying to use the
library freeling.jar (freeling-3.1-win64) in netbeans in java language I first made a project and added
the library freeling.jar and everything came out well and then add the Analyzer.java file to my project
and everything works fine my structure is:
- Uso freeling (My proyect)
..........| Analizer.java (class imported)
..........|Usofreeling.java (my class)
modify the following part of Alanyzer.java:
// my package
package usofreeling;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.IOException;
//the imported library
import edu.upc.freeling.*;
public class Analyzer {
// My FreeLing installation directory
private static final String DATA = "C://01/freeling-3.1-win64/data/";
private static final String LANG = "es";
public static void main( String argv[] ) throws IOException {
System.load( "C://01/freeling-3.1-win64/java/freeling_javaAPI.dll" );
Util.initLocale( "default" );
// Create options set for maco analyzer.
// Default values are Ok, except for data files.
MacoOptions op = new MacoOptions( LANG );
op.setActiveModules(false, true, true, true,
true, true, true,
true, true, true);
DATA + LANG + "/quantities.dat",
DATA + LANG + "/afixos.dat",
DATA + LANG + "/probabilitats.dat",
DATA + LANG + "/dicc.src",
DATA + LANG + "/np.dat",
DATA + "common/punct.dat");
// Create analyzers.
LangIdent lgid = new LangIdent(DATA + "/common/lang_ident/ident-few.dat");
Tokenizer tk = new Tokenizer( DATA + LANG + "/tokenizer.dat" );
Splitter sp = new Splitter( DATA + LANG + "/splitter.dat" );
Maco mf = new Maco( op );
HmmTagger tg = new HmmTagger( DATA + LANG + "/tagger.dat", true, 2 );
ChartParser parser = new ChartParser(
DATA + LANG + "/chunker/grammar-chunk.dat" );
DepTxala dep = new DepTxala( DATA + LANG + "/dep/dependences.dat",
parser.getStartSymbol() );
Nec neclass = new Nec( DATA + LANG + "/nerc/nec/nec-ab-poor1.dat" );
Senses sen = new Senses(DATA + LANG + "/senses.dat" ); // sense dictionary
Ukb dis = new Ukb( DATA + LANG + "/ukb.dat" ); // sense disambiguator
// Make sure the encoding matches your input text (utf-8, iso-8859-15, ...)
BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader( System.in, "ISO-8859-1" ) );
System.out.print(" Waiting for TEXT : ");
String line = input.readLine(); // when I get here I enter a text by keyboard and press enter
but when I run Analyzer.java I enter a text by keyboard and as a result it shows me that the detected
language is Spanish "es" correct but it no longer shows me the analysis of the text, what I am
interested in obtaining for my project is the EAGLE tags and the lemmas of the words I do not know what
I need I imagine that it must be something very basic I hope you can help me thank you very much for
your help.
my full code of Analyzer.java
package usofreeling;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import edu.upc.freeling.*;
public class Analyzer {
// Modify this line to be your FreeLing installation directory
private static final String DATA = "C://01/freeling-3.1-win64/data/";
private static final String LANG = "es";
public static void main( String argv[] ) throws IOException {
System.load( "C://01/freeling-3.1-win64/java/freeling_javaAPI.dll" );
Util.initLocale( "default" );
// Create options set for maco analyzer.
// Default values are Ok, except for data files.
MacoOptions op = new MacoOptions( LANG );
op.setActiveModules(false, true, true, true,
true, true, true,
true, true, true);
DATA + LANG + "/quantities.dat",
DATA + LANG + "/afixos.dat",
DATA + LANG + "/probabilitats.dat",
DATA + LANG + "/dicc.src",
DATA + LANG + "/np.dat",
DATA + "common/punct.dat");
// Create analyzers.
LangIdent lgid = new LangIdent(DATA + "/common/lang_ident/ident-few.dat");
Tokenizer tk = new Tokenizer( DATA + LANG + "/tokenizer.dat" );
Splitter sp = new Splitter( DATA + LANG + "/splitter.dat" );
Maco mf = new Maco( op );
HmmTagger tg = new HmmTagger( DATA + LANG + "/tagger.dat", true, 2 );
ChartParser parser = new ChartParser(
DATA + LANG + "/chunker/grammar-chunk.dat" );
DepTxala dep = new DepTxala( DATA + LANG + "/dep/dependences.dat",
parser.getStartSymbol() );
Nec neclass = new Nec( DATA + LANG + "/nerc/nec/nec-ab-poor1.dat" );
Senses sen = new Senses(DATA + LANG + "/senses.dat" ); // sense dictionary
Ukb dis = new Ukb( DATA + LANG + "/ukb.dat" ); // sense disambiguator
// Make sure the encoding matches your input text (utf-8, iso-8859-15, ...)
BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader( System.in, "ISO-8859-1" ) );
System.out.print("Esperando tEXTO: ");
String line = input.readLine();
// Identify language of the text.
// Note that this will identify the language, but will NOT adapt
// the analyzers to the detected language. All the processing
// in the loop below is done by modules for LANG (set to "es" at
// the beggining of this class) created above.
String lg = lgid.identifyLanguage(line);
System.out.println( "-------- LANG_IDENT results -----------" );
System.out.println("Language detected (from first line in text): " + lg);
while( line != null ) {
// Extract the tokens from the line of text.
ListWord l = tk.tokenize( line );
//System.out.print("esta es l:");
// Split the tokens into distinct sentences.
ListSentence ls = sp.split( l, false );
// Perform morphological analysis
mf.analyze( ls );
// Perform part-of-speech tagging.
tg.analyze( ls );
// Perform named entity (NE) classificiation.
neclass.analyze( ls );
sen.analyze( ls );
dis.analyze( ls );
printResults( ls, "tagged" );
// Chunk parser
parser.analyze( ls );
printResults( ls, "parsed" );
// Dependency parser
dep.analyze( ls );
printResults( ls, "dep" );
line = input.readLine();
private static void printSenses( Word w ) {
String ss = w.getSensesString();
// The senses for a FreeLing word are a list of
// pair (sense and page rank). From java, we
// have to get them as a string with format
// sense:rank/sense:rank/sense:rank
// which will have to be splitted to obtain the info.
// Here, we just output it:
System.out.print( " " + ss );
private static void printResults( ListSentence ls, String format ) {
if (format == "parsed") {
System.out.println( "-------- CHUNKER results -----------" );
ListSentenceIterator sIt = new ListSentenceIterator(ls);
System.out.print("Aqui deberian ir unos resultados DE CHUNKER");
while (sIt.hasNext())
Sentence s = sIt.next();
TreeNode tree = s.getParseTree();
printParseTree( 0, tree );
else if (format == "dep") {
System.out.println( "-------- DEPENDENCY PARSER results -----------" );
ListSentenceIterator sIt = new ListSentenceIterator(ls);
while (sIt.hasNext()) {
Sentence s = sIt.next();
TreeDepnode tree = s.getDepTree();
printDepTree( 0, tree);
System.out.println( "-------- TAGGER results -----------" );
// get the analyzed words out of ls.
ListSentenceIterator sIt = new ListSentenceIterator(ls);
while (sIt.hasNext()) {
Sentence s = sIt.next();
ListWordIterator wIt = new ListWordIterator(s);
while (wIt.hasNext()) {
Word w = wIt.next();
w.getForm() + " " + w.getLemma() + " " + w.getTag() );
printSenses( w );
private static void printParseTree( int depth, TreeNode tr ) {
Word w;
TreeNode child;
long nch;
// Indentation
for( int i = 0; i < depth; i++ ) {
System.out.print( " " );
nch = tr.numChildren();
if( nch == 0 ) {
// The node represents a leaf
if( tr.getInfo().isHead() ) {
System.out.print( "+" );
w = tr.getInfo().getWord();
"(" + w.getForm() + " " + w.getLemma() + " " + w.getTag() );
printSenses( w );
System.out.println( ")" );
// The node probably represents a tree
if( tr.getInfo().isHead() ) {
System.out.print( "+" );
System.out.println( tr.getInfo().getLabel() + "_[" );
for( int i = 0; i < nch; i++ ) {
child = tr.nthChildRef( i );
if( child != null ) {
printParseTree( depth + 1, child );
else {
System.err.println( "ERROR: Unexpected NULL child." );
for( int i = 0; i < depth; i++ ) {
System.out.print( " " );
System.out.println( "]" );
private static void printDepTree( int depth, TreeDepnode tr ) {
TreeDepnode child = null;
TreeDepnode fchild = null;
Depnode childnode;
long nch;
int last, min;
Boolean trob;
for( int i = 0; i < depth; i++ ) {
System.out.print( " " );
tr.getInfo().getLinkRef().getInfo().getLabel() + "/" +
tr.getInfo().getLabel() + "/" );
Word w = tr.getInfo().getWord();
"(" + w.getForm() + " " + w.getLemma() + " " + w.getTag() );
printSenses( w );
System.out.print( ")" );
nch = tr.numChildren();
if( nch > 0 ) {
System.out.println( " [" );
for( int i = 0; i < nch; i++ ) {
child = tr.nthChildRef( i );
if( child != null ) {
if( !child.getInfo().isChunk() ) {
printDepTree( depth + 1, child );
else {
System.err.println( "ERROR: Unexpected NULL child." );
// Print chunks (in order)
last = 0;
trob = true;
// While an unprinted chunk is found, look for the one with lower
// chunk_ord value.
while( trob ) {
trob = false;
min = 9999;
for( int i = 0; i < nch; i++ ) {
child = tr.nthChildRef( i );
childnode = child.getInfo();
if( childnode.isChunk() ) {
if( (childnode.getChunkOrd() > last) &&
(childnode.getChunkOrd() < min) ) {
min = childnode.getChunkOrd();
fchild = child;
trob = true;
if( trob && (child != null) ) {
printDepTree( depth + 1, fchild );
last = min;
for( int i = 0; i < depth; i++ ) {
System.out.print( " " );
System.out.print( "]" );
System.out.println( "" );
Analyzer.java if it works well in windows in netbeans but only..
Hi, I already discovered that Analyzer.java works just that it works for me with just text in English. Does anyone know how to make it work in Spanish?
You are reading as ISO-8859…
You are reading as ISO-8859-1, but FreeLing requires UTF8.
That may be the reason why it works in English but not in Spanish.
Thanks i solve my problem :)
lluisp thank you very much immensely thank you responder, if it was for "utf-8" something so simple but I did not know, many thanks again I managed to solve my problem now I can run the Question Analyzer 3.1 on windows in netbeans many greetings