Error in the Portuguese dictionary?

Submitted by pbholmen on Wed, 12/09/2020 - 13:04


I think there might be an error in the dictionary found under:

Line 232708 reads:

dar dar VMN0000 dar VMN01S0 dar VMN03S0 dar VMSF1S0 dar VMSF3S0

I believe this means that "dar" is supposed to be the future subjunctive of the verb "dar" for third and first person singular. This would be the case if the verb was regular, however it is irregular. Here is an authoritative source for the correct conjugation:…

I don't know enough about Freeling development to create a pull request myself, in fact I even seem to recall the file is generated during install(?), however I have made a diff between the installed dicc.src, (Portuguese, Freeling version 4.2.1), and my own where I have corrected it:

< dar dar VMN0000 dar VMN01S0 dar VMN03S0 dar VMSF1S0 dar VMSF3S0
> dar dar VMN0000 dar VMN01S0 dar VMN03S0
< dardes dar VMN02P0 dar VMSF2P0 dardar VMM02S0 dardar VMSP2S0
> dardes dar VMN02P0 dardar VMM02S0 dardar VMSP2S0
< darem dar VMN03P0 dar VMSF3P0
> darem dar VMN03P0
< dares dar VMN02S0 dar VMSF2S0 dares NCMP000
> dares dar VMN02S0 dares NCMP000
< darmos dar VMN01P0 dar VMSF1P0
> darmos dar VMN01P0
> der dar VMSF1S0 dar VMSF3S0
> derdes dar VMSF2P0
> derem dar VMSF3P0
> deres dar VMSF2S0
> dermos dar VMSF1P0

I hope this comes out correctly in the post. More info: I'm using the Homebrew installation of Freeling on macOS.

these files are generated during install, putting toghether the entries in data/pt/dictionary/entries/verbs

If you update that file, you can do a pull request

However, make sure you do not remove forms that are valid in some Protuguese variant (Portugal or Brasil)
