I am trying to install Freeling in a computer with Windows 10 (64 bits).
I already download all pre requisites and create de build folder.
But, when I execute “nmake install” command the installation was interrupted and print an error message as follow:“#error: STL1001: Unexpected compiler version, expected MSVC 19.15 or newer”.
I am using Visual Studio 2017 (Express Edition) with MSVC version 14.16.27023 and Freeling version 4.2.
Please could you tell What am I doing wrong?
MSVC is not able to link…
MSVC is not able to link binaries created with different versions of the compiler (yes, I know, MS sucks, but it is up to you to move on)
If you build FreeLing with a version different than the one used to build the dependencies (boost, etc) you'll get an error.
In any case, the error you get may be caused by something else, but I can't tell without more context. Please provide the last 10 or 15 lines output by cmake before the error.
the same error
I also have the same problem with the compiler version.
I'm using VS community 2022 with MSVC 2015-2022 14.30.30708,
and downloaded:
zlib1211 (successfully installed)
I built FreeLing successfully but installing failed with this error:
C:\Users\mtavak2s\Downloads\FreeLing\src\crfsuite\crfsuite\crf\train_l2sgd.c(292): warning C4101: "s": Unreferenzierte lokale Variable
[ 30%] Building C object src/crfsuite/CMakeFiles/crfsuite.dir/crfsuite/crf/train_lbfgs.c.obj
[ 31%] Building C object src/crfsuite/CMakeFiles/crfsuite.dir/crfsuite/crf/train_passive_aggressive.c.obj
[ 31%] Building CXX object src/crfsuite/CMakeFiles/crfsuite.dir/crfsuite/crfsuite_api.cpp.obj
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.30.30705\include\yvals_core.h(581): fatal error C1189: #error: STL1001: Unexpected compiler version, expected MSVC 19.30 or newer.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: ""C:\Program Files\cmake-3.22.2-windows-x86_64\bin\cmake.exe"": Rückgabe-Code "0x2"
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: ""C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.30.30705\bin\HostX64\x64\nmake.exe"": Rückgabe-Code "0x2"
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: ""C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.30.30705\bin\HostX64\x64\nmake.exe"": Rückgabe-Code "0x2"
Could you please help me to fix it?
Thanks in advance
This is some error related…
This is some error related to MSVC version. FreeLing is developed on Linux and windows ports are provided for convenience but no support is provided.
To use FreeLing on windows, the easiest way is to download a binary package, so you can avoid building it
I'd like to call FreeLing from Java
Thank you for your answer but I want to call FreeLing from java so it seems that I should build it from source to set java API.
Or is there any binary package with java API?
You are right, windows…
You are right, windows binary package does not include Java API.
The error seems related to the MSVC version... Maybe the one you use is not the same than the one used to build the dependencies. As I said, windows ports are provided as is for users' convenience, but there is no support to solve problems about them.
My recommendation is to use Linux, even if it is the Linux Bash Shell integrated in modern windows systems